- Visual Literacy Final Project, Conservation International, American University
Assignment: All semester, you will have the opportunity to think of ways to create meaningful products that can help our non-profit partner. This may be in the form of a poster, brochure, photo essay, PSA, promotional video, PR campaign, social media outlets, etc. We will work as one large group to present your work on the last day of class.
Group Members: Brianna Crummy, George Gerardi, Diamante Parrish, and Emily Yankana
Professor: Patrick Flynn
My Role:
Group Members: Brianna Crummy, George Gerardi, Diamante Parrish, and Emily Yankana
Professor: Patrick Flynn
My Role:
- Visual Literacy Assignment, Faux Movie Trailer, American University
Assignment: In class, groups will draw genres out of a hat then shoot a trailer for a fake film using techniques outlined in the text and lectures. Projects must demonstrate at least four different shot types, four different camera movements, and four different editing techniques. Trailers must be no shorter than 1 minute but no longer than 90 seconds. Write a description of the finished product describing the shots, camera moves, and editing techniques. Post the trailer and the description to your blog.
Group Members: Brianna Crummy, George Gerardi, Diamante Parrish, and Emily Yankana
Professor: Patrick Flynn
My role:
Group Members: Brianna Crummy, George Gerardi, Diamante Parrish, and Emily Yankana
Professor: Patrick Flynn
My role: